All permission requests must be submitted via email to and should contain the following information:

  • What material do you want to use?
    • Title
    • Date of Publication
    • Page number(s)
  • What material or publication are you producing (i.e., what are you using the material for)?
  • How will the material be distributed (e.g., physical copies, digitally, displayed in a slideshow)?
  • How many copies will be made and/or how many users will have access?
  • If the material is to be distributed digitally, will it be password protected?
  • How much are you charging for access to the material?

Requests are generally processed in 3 to 4 weeks, and we encourage you to send your request as early as possible. If you have a specific date by which you need permission, please let us know and we will try to accommodate your request. Please be advised that to protect our intellectual property and our authors’ rights, we may need to charge a fee.